

Terry’s Story

I am a visionary, an entrepreneur, coach, and a sailor. I will engage with your story directly and generously to inspire you to fully see and own your desires. With a superb imagination, I will help you unlock and navigate a path that is truly your own. All the while, keeping you safe and warm on the journey to the edge of your comfort zone. When I am coaching you, you will feel the combined energies of my strength and leadership as a Captain, and receptivity, wholeheartedness, and nurturing as a coach.


My mission is to create momentum and connection through shared adventure outdoors, so that you feel empowered to impact the world in creative, meaningful ways!!


Executive Team Building


The performance of your team matters to you, to your organisation, and to your success! Our Executive Team Building Programs aboard one of our luxury sailing yachts offers you the ultimate offsite! You NEED SCI to help you create a team that is high trust, motivated, creative and magnificent.


Personal Growth Trips

You are looking for something more out of life, that extra edge. People around you see you shine, and yet you know there is something deeper for you. We know that what the world really needs is more of YOU! Let us help you tap into the Leader or the Visionary within!





Eri wrote the book on Relationship Agreements! She is phenomenal at helping you see your best future like it is already happening!


pat Carrington-House

Pat wants to bring out the leader in you! He is all about bringing you into the leadership style that best fits you, and creating your power here!



Devon Boorman is a leadership coach, internationally known swordmaster, authour, and entrepreneur. In 2000, Devon moved from…



Michelle loves taking you out of resistance and out of your shadow side into the light. She is excels at making you feel relaxed and welcome.




Adrianna Markman

This experience has been transformational for me. I am LOVING it … investing in myself. I am blessed to be here! Terry has shown true leadership. He keeps us really focused on getting to the place that we signed up for. You have all the right elements to be successful. Where do you want to go??


Jeremy Toews

Terry definitely helps me to talk about it, and to find my answers by giving me a different perspective. Coaching is for the person who is willing and ready to make changes in their life and wants support to get to the next level. Terry has the boat well under control. You will learn a lot, and you will quickly!


Darren Scherk

He’s an enthusiastic sailor with an aptitude for teaching. Terry encourages all who join him to take on a task, takes the time to help each person with the task, and confidently gives his entire team through the activities required to move the vessel safely. Terry takes his guests through basic skills and safety ideas to more advanced with an easy manner. He’s never rushed, always encouraging, and very respectful of all personalities and capabilities.

Adriana's Experience of Sailboat Coaching International